Privacy Policy

Last update: August 20, 2022
Orma exists to help giving back to the cities and make traveling more meaningful and impactful. In short — to leave a city better than how travelers found it. We are a community built on trust. A fundamental part of earning that trust means being clear about how we use your information and protecting your human right to privacy.
In this Privacy Policy we explain how and why Orma collects and collectes personal data originating from you, whereby Orma is acting in its role as controller. With regard to the collecting of personal data, Orma complies with applicable legislation and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR art. 13 Reg. 2016/679/UE), and the Italian GDPR Execution Act (D.lgs. n. 196 del 30 June 2003).
We have created the following Privacy Policy which applies at all times when using our Application / website and / or any of our services. Any new features and/or services that are added to our current service at any point in the future shall also be subject to the terms set out in this Privacy Policy.
We have created the following Privacy Policy which applies at all times when using our Application / website and / or any of our services. Any new features and/or services that are added to our current service at any point in the future shall also be subject to the terms set out in this Privacy Policy.
Cities offer unique and memorable experiences
Travelers offer their time and energy for the betterment of cities

1. Scope

2. Personal information we collect and how we use it

3. Sharing and disclosure

4. Cookies

5. International transfer

6. Your rights and how to exercise them

7. Security

8. Retention period

9. Changes to this privacy policy

10. Orma contact information

Cookie policy

Last update: August 20, 2022
Below is the Cookie policy to be used as extended information pursuant to art. 13 of the Privacy Code, Legislative Decree. 196/2003 and of the articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR.
What are cookies?
Cookies are packets of information sent by a web server (eg a website) to the user's Internet browser, which are automatically stored on the computer and automatically sent back to the server at each subsequent access to the site.
We think it is very important that you know which cookies and our application use and for which purposes they are used. We want to guarantee your privacy and user-friendliness as much as possible. Below you can read more about the cookies that are used by and through our website and for which purposes.
By default, almost all web browsers are set to automatically accept cookies.
Typically cookies can be installed:
• Directly from the owner and / or manager of the website (so-called first-party cookies)
• by managers unrelated to the website visited by the user (so-called third-party cookies). Unless otherwise specified, please note that these cookies fall under the direct and exclusive responsibility of the manager himself. Further information on privacy and their use can be found directly on the websites of the respective operators.
This Application can use, also in combination with each other, the following types of cookies classified according to the indications of the Privacy Guarantor and the Opinions issued in the European context by the Working Group pursuant to art. 29:
• Sessions that are not stored permanently on the user's computer and are deleted when the browser is closed, are strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site, avoiding the use of other IT techniques potentially prejudicial to the confidentiality of users' browsing
• Persistent that remain stored on the hard drive of the computer until their expiration or cancellation by users / visitors. Through persistent cookies, visitors who access the App (or any other users who use the same computer) are automatically recognized at each visit. Visitors can set the computer browser to accept / reject all cookies or display a warning whenever a cookie is proposed, in order to evaluate whether to accept it or not. The user can, however, change the default configuration and disable cookies (i.e. block them permanently), by setting the highest level of protection.
• Technicians are the cookies used to authenticate, to take advantage of multimedia content such as flash player or to allow the choice of the navigation language. In general, it is therefore not necessary to obtain the user's prior and informed consent. This category also includes cookies used to statistically analyze accesses / visits to the site only if used exclusively for statistical purposes and through the collection of information in aggregate form.
• Non-technical are all cookies used for profiling and marketing purposes. Their use on users' terminals is prohibited if they have not previously been adequately informed and have not given valid consent in this regard according to the opt-in technique.
These types of cookies are, in turn, grouped according to the functions they perform in:
• Analitycs These are cookies used to collect and analyze statistical information on accesses / visits to the website. In some cases, associated with other information such as the credentials entered for access to restricted areas (your e-mail address and password), they can be used to profile the user (personal habits, sites visited, downloaded content, types of interactions carried out, etc.).
• Widgets This category includes all those graphic components of a program's user interface, which aims to facilitate the user in interacting with the program itself. By way of example, cookies from facebook, twitter, instagram, etc ... are widgets.
• Advertsing This category includes cookies used to advertise on a site. Google, Tradedoubler, Awin fall into this category.
• Web beacons This category includes snippets of code that allow a website to transfer or collect information by requesting a graphic image. Websites can use them for various purposes, such as the analysis of the use of websites, control activities and reporting on advertising and the personalization of advertising and content.
Other / Unforeseen cookies
Due to the way our products work, we may not always have insight into the cookies that are placed by third parties via our website. This is particularly the case if our web pages contain so-called embedded elements; these are texts, documents, images or films that are stored with another party but which are shown on, in or via our website.
If you encounter cookies on this website that fall into this category and which we have not mentioned above, please let us know. Or contact the third party directly and ask which cookies they have placed, what the reason is, what the lifespan of the cookie is and how they have safeguarded your privacy.
The cookies present on the App
Technical cookies for which consent is not required
The Data Controller will install on your device and, in particular, in your browser or will let third parties install some cookies that are necessary for us to acquire statistical information in anonymous and aggregate form relating to your navigation on the pages of the App.
In particular, these are cookies that are used exclusively to manage the session between the browser and the web server and therefore do not use other types of cookies for commercial purposes, data collection, etc ...
Final RemarksWe will have to amend these statements from time to time, for example because our website or the rules surrounding cookies change. We may change the content of the statements and the cookies included in the lists at any time and without prior warning.
You can consult this web page for the latest version.
If you have any questions or remarks, please contact our team on can consult this web page for the latest version.