
Lobby Planet

ORMA Guide:
Sofia Pasotto
European Politics
25 oct 2024 - 27 oct 2024
Full Price:
€ 399,00

Join climate activist Sofia, on a bold and critical overview of the European Union.

  • Explore the beating heart of the EU: Discover key institutions like the European Parliament and the lobbying district.
  • Unveil the mechanisms: Understand how power and lobbies influence European policies.
  • Engage in discussions: Learn about crucial topics like climate change and civil rights.
  • Experience activism and political awareness: This trip is more than just an exploration.

Note: Italian will be spoken during this trip and you might end up rioting on the streets of Brussels.

Super Hostel is a cozy accommodation offering 16 mixed dormitory beds, a fully equipped kitchen, common areas, and three bathrooms. Located in the heart of Anderlecht, it provides a strategic base for exploring the sites included in our itinerary. The hostel's central location makes it easy to access both public transportation and local attractions. During our stay, we’ll have exclusive use of the entire hostel, ensuring a private and comfortable environment where everyone can relax together. The communal spaces are perfect for group activities, cooking meals, and sharing experiences, creating a welcoming and homely atmosphere throughout the trip.

Note: The accommodation may change depending on the number of participants.

  • Deepen your understanding of European politics: discover how EU institutions work and the impact of lobbies on European decision-making.
  • Experience a historic city: explore Brussels, with its historic monuments and vibrant cultural and culinary scene.
  • Contribute to civic understanding: take part in an experience that combines learning and discovery, enriching your understanding of the European political and social landscape.

  • Food: 1 lunch at L'Eau Chaude, 1 lunch OUNE Falafel
  • Accommodation: hostel for 2 nights at Super Hostel
  • Transportation: 4 public transportation tickets
  • Tour: visits at Brussels Parliament, European Commission, European Green Party, Lobby District & House of European History guided by Sofia Pasotto
  • Other: 24/7 ORMA coordinator availability, medical and baggage insurance

  • Food: lunches and dinners, unless specified otherwise
  • Accommodation: city tax
  • Transportation: travel to and from Brussels, transfer to/from the airport
  • Other: trip cancellation insurance
  • Anything not specified under "What's included"
If minimum participation isn't met, the trip will be canceled, and you'll be fully refunded.

Direzione Turistica APICAL Srl, Via Stretta 32, 25128 Brescia (BS). P.lva 03958620985 REA BS-577256 - SCIA 019363 of SUAP of Milano 2021. For any questions, write us at For additional information, check out the Terms & Conditions in the footer of the website.
Day 1 - Arrival in Brussels and Meet Sofia Pasotto

Arrive at the hotel in Brussels by 1:00 PM. For those arriving later, check in independently. At 1:30 PM, we’ll enjoy lunch together at L'Eau Chaude. After lunch, we’ll visit the European Parliament or the Brussels Parliament for a 90-minute tour. We will also have the chance to visit the European Commission and the headquarters of the European Green Party. Both institutions offer fascinating insights into the heart of European politics. Later in the afternoon, we’ll head to Café De Hallen in the city center, a former train station now transformed into a vibrant gathering place. We’ll have a chance to relax over a beer and enjoy the atmosphere before having a free evening to explore the city on our own.

Note: We recommend using the train or bus for transportation to and from the destination whenever possible.

Day 2 - Exploring European Influence and Local Culture

At 9:30 AM, we’ll start the day with a visit to the Lobby District on Rue Montoyer. Sofia Pasotto will provide a detailed explanation of how lobbyists influence the European decision-making process. Following that, we’ll take a walk through Parc Léopold, enjoying the green spaces of this historic park. At 1:00 PM, we’ll stop for lunch at OUNE Falafel. In the afternoon, we’ll visit Marché Bio des Tanneurs, a vibrant organic market offering local produce and handmade goods. After this, we’ll explore the historic center of Brussels, with stops at iconic landmarks like the Grand Place and the Manneken Pis. After a long day of exploration, we’ll gather for coffee or a snack at The Sister Brussels Café. The rest of the evening will be free, with suggestions available for those who wish to continue exploring the city.

Day 3 - History, Markets, and Farewell

We’ll begin our final day at 9:30 AM with a visit to the House of European History, a museum offering an in-depth look at Europe’s shared heritage.
Around midday, we’ll take a leisurely walk to the Place du Jeu de Balle market in the Marolles district, known for its antiques and crafts. This vibrant market is a great spot to pick up unique souvenirs and experience a bit of local culture.
At 1:00 PM, our guided tour will officially end. From here, participants are free to continue exploring Brussels on their own or head back to their homes.

A young activist from Mantua, Italy, is one of the founders of the "Fridays for Future" movement in Italy.

She has made environmental activism her career path, focusing on climate change. In 2023, she won the Ischia Prize for Environmental Journalism and has chaired conferences across Europe. Pasotto uses social media to engage Generation Z and millennials on climate and environmental issues.

Her straightforward and humorous style has made her a popular figure, with her Instagram and TikTok channel "telospiegasofia" serving as a key resource for young people seeking to understand the climate crisis and its solutions.

She recently graduated with a degree in Climate Change from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, after previously earning a degree in International Studies from the University of Trento. Her academic background covers a wide range of climate-related topics, from diplomacy to climate science. In addition to her digital presence, Pasotto actively participates in public events and protests to raise awareness about environmental issues. She was part of the "DestinazioneCOP" journalism project, which aimed to provide comprehensive coverage of COP26 in Glasgow, a significant climate conference.

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Additional Info

25 oct 2024 - 27 oct 2024
Brussels, Belgium
3 days
Travel lifestyle:
N° of seats:
Full price:
€ 399,00
Accomodations, Public Transportation tickets, 2 lunch