
Becoming nature

ORMA Guide:
Fill Pill
Wildlife & Animals
11 oct 2024 - 13 oct 2024
Full Price:
€ 449,00

Join expert guide Fill Pill on a unique adventure through the heart of Abruzzo National Park. 


  • Focus on wildlife: Discover the elusive Marsican brown bear in its natural habitat.
  • Immerse in nature: Hike through ancient beech forests and remote wilderness areas.
  • Cultural experiences: Enjoy a stay in a cozy hut, a vegan dinner, and a traditional folk music concert.
  • Conservation focus: Learn about the conservation efforts to protect this extraordinary region.

Note: Italian will be spoken during this trip and you will sing your heart out.

Required gear: Hiking boots, lightweight rain jacket or poncho, water bottle, backpack, long pants, hat, windbreaker, spare t-shirt, flashlight, fleece, binoculars, sunscreen, sleeping bag or sleeping sheet, towels, and pillowcase. It can be cold during observation periods, so layered clothing is recommended.


The Ecorifugio della Cicerana, located at 1,560 meters above sea level, serves as an ideal base for wildlife excursions in the Abruzzo National Park. This eco-friendly refuge, resembling a small villa with its cubic design, features a kitchen, a dormitory with ten beds, a bathroom, and a spacious common area with a wood stove. The refuge is self-sufficient, providing non-potable water, electricity, and heating (gas and wood). Accessible via the T1 and T5 trails, it's about 4 km from Passo del Diavolo with a 160-meter elevation gain. Open in summer and available by reservation in other seasons, it offers stunning views of the surrounding peaks and the Sirente-Velino Regional Park. The area is rich in biodiversity, home to rare species like the Marsican brown bear and the Apennine wolf. Originally a villa, the refuge was ecologically repurposed to preserve this valuable natural landscape.

Why Partecipate?

  • Make a difference: by joining this journey, you'll actively contribute to the conservation efforts of the Abruzzo National Park, supporting the protection of the Marsican brown bear and its habitat.
  • Experience authenticity: immerse yourself in the genuine beauty of the park and its traditional mountain life, from staying in a cozy, eco-friendly refuge to enjoying a private concert of local folk music.
  • Recharge: escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and rejuvenate your spirit by exploring pristine beech forests, observing wildlife in its natural setting, and savoring serene mountain views.

What's Included

  • Food: full board included provided by Ecorifugio della Cicerana ( 2 breakfast, 2 lunch, 2 dinner)
  • Accommodation: mountain hut for 2 nights at Ecorifugio della Cicerana (note: there are no shower facilities)
  • Tour & Activities: 3 guided hikes in the national park and a private concert at the Hut. Every activity will be guided by Fill Pill with the help of a naturalist guide
  • Other: 24/7 ORMA coordinator availability, medical and baggage insurance

What's not Included

  • Transportation: travel to and from Avezzano, bus or cars (€ 25) transportation from and to National Park
  • Other: trip cancellation insurance
If minimum participation isn't met, the trip will be canceled, and you'll be fully refunded.

Direzione Turistica APICAL Srl, Via Stretta 32, 25128 Brescia (BS). P.lva 03958620985 REA BS-577256 - SCIA 019363 of SUAP of Milano 2021. For any questions, write us at hello@ormaguides.com. For additional information, check out the Terms & Conditions in the footer of the website.


Day 1 - Arrival and meet Fill Pill

On Friday, it's mandatory to arrive in Avezzano by 2:30 PM. From there, we’ll take a private bus or car to Pescasseroli, the gateway to the Abruzzo National Park. Our first stop will be at the Park’s visitor center, where we’ll meet with representatives who will introduce us to the unique environment and conservation efforts of this stunning region. Afterward, we’ll take a short drive to the start of the Cicerana trail. From there, we’ll hike up to our mountain hut, led by the experienced guide Paolo Iannicca. The walk will take about an hour, offering beautiful views as we ascend to our secluded retreat.
In the evening, we’ll enjoy a vegan dinner at the hut, followed by a special treat: a live concert of traditional folk music by Carlo Parente, a talented accordionist and member of the “Orchestra del Parco.” Carlo’s passion for music began at a young age, studying under master Alessandro Parente, and his journey has led him to collaborate with notable artists and perform in various prestigious venues. His music, infused with the sounds of nature, will provide the perfect soundtrack to our evening under the stars.
After the concert, you’ll have the chance to stargaze in the clear mountain sky before settling in for the night at the hut.

Note: We recommend using the train or bus for transportation to and from the destination whenever possible.

Day 2 - Wildlife Watching and Wilderness Exploration

The morning begins with an early morning wake-up call to catch the sunrise and, with luck, observe the majestic brown bears that inhabit the park. After this exhilarating start, we’ll return to the hut for breakfast. Our day will continue with a hike to Vallone Lampazzo and Fonte Puzza, some of the most remote and wild areas of the park. Here, we’ll explore the diverse habitats and look for signs of the wildlife that call this rugged landscape home. We’ll enjoy a packed lunch along the way, surrounded by the natural beauty of the park. In the early afternoon, we’ll return to the hut for some rest before heading out for another attempt at wildlife observation, hoping to catch sight of more of the park’s elusive inhabitants. We’ll end the day with dinner back at the hut, where we’ll spend another night immersed in nature.

Day 3 - UNESCO Heritage Forest and Farewell

Our final day will start once again at dawn with a chance to observe the wildlife before breakfast. Following this, we’ll embark on an excursion to the ancient beech forest of Selva Moricento, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This magical forest, with its towering trees and rich biodiversity, is one of the most pristine environments in Europe. We’ll enjoy a packed lunch during our hike before making our way back to the trailhead at Passo del Diavolo, where our adventure concludes around 3:00 PM. From here, you can choose to take private transport back to Avezzano.

Filippo Piluso, aka Fill Pill, is an environmental communicator, stand-up comedian, and musician. He humorously describes himself as "seriously joking." He combines serious topics with a light, comedic tone, addressing various issues related to sustainability and nature.He holds a degree in Law with a specialization in International Environmental and Maritime Law, and a Master's in Sustainability and Energy Resource Management. Filippo has worked in ocean conservation for NGOs and international associations, managed renewable energy development projects in Africa, and served as a sustainability consultant for businesses. He is also the vice-president and co-founder of an advocacy group for environmental communicators.

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Additional Info

11 oct 2024 - 13 oct 2024
Abruzzo, Italy
3 Days
Last spots available
Travel lifestyle:
N° of seats:
Full price:
€ 449,00
Accomodation, full board, 3 private hikes, 1 concert